WDWMagic Hurricane Katrina Fundraising Thread


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Greetings fellow magic members!! As you all know, coastal Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama were hit very hard by Hurricane Katrina and continue to feel the horrible aftermath. I know that there are many magic members here from that affected region or who have family there.

I got this crazy idea of starting a fundraising drive to help the hurricane victims and ran my idea past Steve of wdwmagic. With his approval, those of us in the PML were going to do a small private fundraiser but quickly realized it would be better to have a general fundraiser open to all magic members so all magic members could contribute and all magic members in need would benefit.

I have opened a PayPal account specifically for this fundraiser drive and the email to send donations is wdwmagickatrinafund@yahoo.com. Simply sign in to your PayPal account and send your donation to the email above. This fundraising drive will end on September 17th in which I will announce the final amount of funds raised and to be donated to the American Red Cross on behalf of wdwmagic members.

If you do not have a PayPal account, or if you do not feel comfortable donating to our WDWMagic Hurricane Katrina Fund, I would encourage you to please donate what you can to the American Red Cross or any legitimate charity focussing on helping out with the hurricane recovery.

I urge all of you to give what you can to this worthy cause so we can help out our fellow members.

If you have any questions or problems with the PayPal email, please feel free to PM me.



Well-Known Member
EXCELLENT idea Gordon.

I only see one problem here. If people were going to use this as a tax write-off, how do they get a receipt? I don't use PayPal very often, so I don't remember if it gives you a reciept or not.

If you would have posted this 5 minutes ago I would have, but I just called the Red Cross and donated my $50.

God Bless everyone that has been touched by Katrina, and I think that is all of us right now, unfortunately.

I can't wait to see the final total, this is going to be an amazing effort!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the question Scottie. I am consulting my fundraising expert and I hope to have an answer for you soon. If I have to go out and buy a receipt book and personally write it out to mail to people, then I have no problem doing so. You should get an answer soon. :wave:


WDWScottieBoy said:
EXCELLENT idea Gordon.

I only see one problem here. If people were going to use this as a tax write-off, how do they get a receipt? I don't use PayPal very often, so I don't remember if it gives you a reciept or not.

Eh.. I don't think most people will worry about that. Of all the places to which I donate, there is only one I ever remember to include in my taxes, and that is because I am so much more involved with that one than with any of the others. I think a tax write-off will be the last thing on anybody's mind. :)


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
Eh.. I don't think most people will worry about that. Of all the places to which I donate, there is only one I ever remember to include in my taxes, and that is because I am so much more involved with that one than with any of the others. I think a tax write-off will be the last thing on anybody's mind. :)

I understand, but for those that were wondering, I thought I'd ask.

Like I said, I called and gave my donation already, otherwise it would've gone here.

(Edited, took out my donation)


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I was just kidding when I said that! :lookaroun :lol:


Just making a general statement. I don't want anyone to feel bad because they can't give as much as they would like, I know I can't right now.

By the way, we don't have to post how much we give if we don't want to (might be better if we don't).

*crosses fingers & hopes the bank fills quickly*


Thanks for getting this started Gordon! :kiss:


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garyhoov said:
I think I sent mine. Let me know if you don't receive it.

God bless you Gary!! I did get your donation!! Smoochies for you and congratulations for being the first one!! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Christy and Scottie, thanks so much for the donations!! They have come through. :kiss:

By the way, starting tomorrow, I will create and maintain a daily list of names of those members who have donated to this worthy cause. :wave:


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
Christy and Scottie, thanks so much for the donations!! They have come through. :kiss:

By the way, starting tomorrow, I will create and maintain a daily list of those who donated to this worthy cause. :wave:

Can you add to that list, the running total of how much has been donated, or are you just going to post the final amount?


WDWScottieBoy said:
Can you add to that list, the running total of how much has been donated, or are you just going to post the final amount?

Ooh, when the deadline hits, I would definitely be interested in knowing how much was raised all together.

It's nice to be part of such a warm-hearted group :)

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