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  1. ThePhantom

    A few questions (help would be GREATLY appreciated)

    Well I wasn't planning on hitting Orlando again till after I turned 21, so that I could get a rental car and use it to get around the city. My friend just scored two free plane tickets but they haveto be used before June. I'm not 21 till Decemer, so obviously a rental car isnt going to work! :(...
  2. ThePhantom

    Summer Jobs @ WDW?

    Hey all, I was wonderring- does WDW have some sort of a "summer job" program? I've got college the rest of the year, so I can only work the 3 months during the summer. How would one go about applying for this, if it's even possible?
  3. ThePhantom

    Rivers of America drained!

    Yup thats right, for the 1st time in 10 years, Rivers of America is being drained! The water level was about 2 feet lower today around noon. It should be completely drained tomorrow. I got pics, but somehow XP ate them! :( I may be out there 2morrow, if I am I'll get pics.
  4. ThePhantom

    I've got a few videos...

    from a recent trip to WDW that I'd be happy to give to WDWMagic, I've tried to contact the webmaster but I haven't recieved a reply... I've got TesTrack, ToT, Body Wars, Space Mtn (very dark), Primevil Whril and a bunch of others as well. I've also got a very good video of Illuminations from...
  5. ThePhantom

    Epcot Bgm

    Does anyone know where I can get some oof the back ground music played @ EPCOT? I know there's not really a CD or anything with them on it, but I've foudn a few of them on the 'net and through Kazaa... if anyone has oen and would be willing to share it, contact me at Brother Phantom on AIM or...
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