Trip Report **COMPLETED** Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum Take Disney!!!

I am FINALLY ready to start my TR, we've been home for almost 2 weeks and it has been crazy since I walked through the front door. Plus my computer has been acting psycho and was giving me the hardest time when I was trying to upload onto Photobucket!

If you want to read my PTR, here it is

I am going to warn you all, I took almost 1,000 pictures. This is going to be a very picture heavy TR, hope that's okay :D. We all had an amazing time and laughed more than I think we have on any other trip.

So lets get this started shall we???

Day 1! :) (I actually have no pictures from this day lol)

I unfortunately had to work this day, usually a 9-5 shift goes by super fast but this day it was like pulling teeth....

Just to get through the day I made a little countdown and every 10 minutes I would fill in a bubble just to pass the time haha.

FINALLY it hit 4:55pm and I raced out the door, don't tell my boss I left early ;)

I had to go home and finish packing, I never finish on time. I ran home and stuffed the rest of my stuff in my suitcase, threw everything in my car and drove to get Becca.

Everyone in south Florida seemed to be driving on the same road I was and I was getting annoyed... didn't these people know I had a date with a mouse?!?!

I eventually got to Becca's, threw her stuff in my car and we were off!!!


but first, we had to stop at my cousin's and get something for our costumes haha. She lives about an hour north of me and her house was on the way, so not that huge of a detour

we picked up the bows, got on the turnpike and we were not stopping until we got to WDW!!!! We had this awesome playlist we both had made and we were so excited we kept yelling "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD" out of the window haha, well mainly Becca was, but I may have done it once or twice :D

We stopped at a rest stop, got some Dunkin Donuts and drove the last leg of our trip.

We pulled into AKL around 10:30pm and parked in the garage underneath, which I think is a brilliant idea. I love being able to park and just take an elevator up to the floor I'm staying on.

We went up to the room and made everyone come down and help us unpack the car. Two girls brought so much stuff we filled my car, I have a tiny car but still it was amazing haha.

After unpacking we all had some sandwiches relaxed and all got to know each other, well Becca and I got to know Kevin and his family since we hadn't met them yet.

At about 1am, we pulled out the bed inside the couch and called it a night.

That's it for Day 1, I'm sorry it's all writing and no pictures, but I do promise there are tons of pics from every day past this one!

Thank you all for reading this and hope you are enjoying it :D


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! It'll fly by trust me!

I totally trust you ;) We're in the middel of winter right now, although temperatures are not that bad, and not many snow and freezing days last 2 months. Can't wait for it to be wamer, summer and then in Ocotber the trip to Florida and hopefully with the same weather as last Ocotber :) As a lot of people we prefer warm and nice weather above freezing winter :)


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Original Poster
I totally trust you ;) We're in the middel of winter right now, although temperatures are not that bad, and not many snow and freezing days last 2 months. Can't wait for it to be wamer, summer and then in Ocotber the trip to Florida and hopefully with the same weather as last Ocotber :) As a lot of people we prefer warm and nice weather above freezing winter :)

Oh gosh. I'm in south Florida, it's in the 40s-50s right now and I'm freezing! lol I can't even imagine how cold it is over there.

When will you be there in October? We just booked our October trip as well!


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This is my last park day post, and only one more post after this :( it is coming to an end. But we are only 34 days away from our next trip!

So where were we? Oh yeah! We just finished meeting Anna and Elsa.

We met my mom outside Fairy tale hall and there was about 20 minutes until park closing for EMH. My mom had been watching SDMT going and said that she wanted to ride that as the last ride of the trip.

We checked the wait time and it was only 45 minutes! We jumped in line. Becca, Ashley, and I had ridden the ride already. Becca and I were lucky to ride it during a soft opening in May during the Disney Side 24 hour event. Ashley had already ridden it earlier in the trip


The line ended up only being about 30 minutes ish. I liked the games in line but it holds the line up SOOO MUCH. Seriously people, keep walking, it was too late for all this foolishness lol.


Blurry finale pic. I will say that I love how the reused the old AA's of Snow and the Witch. But the laugh at the end sends shivers down my spine.


I LOVE the on ride pics!


I was obviously having a really fun time haha



I think Disney should hire me to make these faces for their promo pics! haha

I love this ride, just wish it was longer. Becca and I love swinging our cart, the kid behind us did too his dad not so much haha.

And with that, it finished our last ride on our trip :'(

I had driven there so we took our time leaving.


We heard something coming through the speakers we had never heard before. I started running through the castle cause I realized it was the "kiss goodnight" we had never seen it before.

We caught the end of it with the special colors going on the castle. Hopefully next trip we will catch the whole thing, it was cute.


Slowly we said goodbye to Main Street USA


Until next time MK

We took the monorail to TTC and hopped on a very empty tram to go to a very empty parking lot haha


We reached our section and saw my car, it was in the LAST spot of the row.... we had a longgggg walk lol. My mom kept laughing and saying I Need to go get it and drive it to her since she was not walking that far.

We finally made it back to AKL around 1:45 and we all passed out. Tomorrow was checkout and our last day in the world :(


Well-Known Member
Oh gosh. I'm in south Florida, it's in the 40s-50s right now and I'm freezing! lol I can't even imagine how cold it is over there. When will you be there in October? We just booked our October trip as well!

Well it's not that cold this winter, we didn't have much tempratures below 0 (of course we have Celsius) so below 32 Fahrenheit. At the moment it is raining and 4 °C so 39,2 Fahrenheit. The next week they think it will be the same figures and rain. We will be there from October 16th and the 24th we leave for home... we stay at POFQ and you?


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Well it's not that cold this winter, we dn't have much tempratures below 0 (of course we have Celsius) so below 32 Fahrenheit. At the moment it is raining and 4 °C so 39,2 Fahrenheit. The next week they think it will be the same figures and rain. We will be there from October 16th and the 24th we leave for home... we stay at POFQ and you?

We're gonna miss each other by a few days! I'll be there from October 4th -11th staying at Boardwalk most likely


Well-Known Member
We're gonna miss each other by a few days! I'll be there from October 4th -11th staying at Boardwalk most likely

Yeah by the time you are at home and thinking back about the wonderful and magical trip you just had we are arriving at the world :) Boardwalk is very ok. But for the first time onsite POFQ is also a good one :)


Well-Known Member
That was a wonderful last day. I have heard so many wonderful things meeting Anna and Elsa that make your story so wonderful to add to all the others. Like I said before its really sad that it's coming to an end, but you did say mention something coming up real soon. Can't wait to read the details for the next trip and read the closing if this trip.


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Yeah by the time you are at home and thinking back about the wonderful and magical trip you just had we are arriving at the world :) Boardwalk is very ok. But for the first time onsite POFQ is also a good one :)
I have been dying to stay at POFQ, but we can't until they make it DVC lol.

That was a wonderful last day. I have heard so many wonderful things meeting Anna and Elsa that make your story so wonderful to add to all the others. Like I said before its really sad that it's coming to an end, but you did say mention something coming up real soon. Can't wait to read the details for the next trip and read the closing if this trip.
Thank you! Meeting them was great, but nothing worth waiting more than 45 minutes for, I cannot believe their line can get up to 5 hours long!

Yes, we are actually leaving for WDW in 28 days for my mom and I's birthday trip very excited and there will definitely be a TR :D


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DAY 7 PART 1: The final day :bawling::bawling::bawling:

This is the 2nd to last post of my TR :(

We woke up at AKL and started packing up slowly. I always hate this part of the trip, especially since I end up driving home and the drive home just seems so much longer than the one there does. I did miss my bed and sleeping alone lol.

When we finished we had to bring all of our stuff down to the cars but anyone who has ever stayed at AKL in Jambo house knows, you HAVE to call the bellhop. Unless you have superstrength. It is a very long walk to your cars

I passed the time while everyone else finished packing by taking pictures


We had a Savannah view room the entire trip, as you all know we did switch over to Jambo house for the last 2 nights. Our room was at almost the END of our side of the resort. Not a fun trip each night lol


See.. just a few rooms to the right of us lol


This watering hole was very active most of the days


Baby necklace anyone? haha. The first time we walked by I said "Why does it look like he has two children on a necklace?" and it turned into a joke for the trip

I walked across the bridge, which just so happened to be on our floor

Such a pretty resort, we've been staying here the past few trips we love it.


That's my favorite though, full glass window. Only thing is it gets very dark in the lobby at night lol

Apparently I then went down to the first floor because I have this picture


I didn't want to say goodbye :'(

We originally were going to head to a park for a few hours but we were physically and mentally exhausted from the week. We had gone non stop for 7 days and it will catch up with you!

Becca and I drove in my car, Ashley with my parents. We did have one stop before we left property for real though.

Where did we go?....


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My parents wanted to go shopping, Becca and I were starving and decided to go eat instead of shopping and then head out.

We went to DTD. So where do you think two 20 year old girls end up when decided where to eat at DTD? Raglan Road? Planet Hollywood? Earl of Sandwich?



Nice to see that the new fish tank is holding up nicely, especially after the catastrophe that happened last year haha. I definitely told Becca about that.

We were give about a 10 minute wait. So I took a picture or two



Rawr to you too sir.... lol

We were seated after about 5 minutes, not too bad at all seeing as my family has waited closed to an hour for this place..... ISTILL DON'T GET WHY lol

While we were following the host. I told Becca how I had never sat in the ice cavern and how cool it looked.

Well with Disney magic and all where do you think we were seated???



The funny thing is, we were seated at this huge booth for like 6 or 8 people... it was just the 2 of us. We looked at the host like really?? haha


Becca being all blue


Now I know it wasn't because we were sitting in the ice cavern, but it was FREEZING in there. I was so cold I ordered a French onion soup for an appetizer. Doesn't hurt that it's like my favorite soup ever. Besides the Cheese soup in Canada of course.


Sorry for how magenta it is, the ice cavern is lit and changes colors constantly so your entire meal is a rainbow of flavors haha see what I did there??


It looks like it's on fire!


I don't remember what I got for an entree, I Just know it's a chicken sandwich and the bread is pizza crust. Sorry haha it's been like 5 months since I've been there!

We finished our meal and it was time to head back to SOFLA :( que the tears... just kidding I was sad but I was excited too! While there we booked our next trip for my 21st Birthday in March! We already knew we were going, we just hadn't decided on what resort and what room. We chose Boardwalk Villas in a 1 bedroom.

Have I mentioned that I absolutely love that my family are DVC members? It is what makes us able to go to the world all the time. Plus FL resident rates on passes and stuff. I feel very grateful that my childhood was full of trips to WDW, Disney's values and service I think have definitely shaped me into who I am today. I work customer service and I try to handle each customer in the same way the DIsney company would.

Okay sorry rant over! haha

We stopped at the Hess station and gasses up Elsa ( that's my cars name lol she's a white 2013 Chevy Sonic Hatchback)

We got slushies to keep us energized on the ride home. First we took some sad faced selfies


Obviously I didn't get the whole sad face thing at first...


There we go!



We did see this guy though, which definitely gave me a laugh or too


Becca didn't get it.... lol I had to explain to her who Barry Manilow was....

We headed south on the FL Turnpike and it was smooth sailing until about 5 miles down the road. Cars were STOPPED, I mean like dead stopped no one was moving.

I called my parents who were about 20 miles ahead, they said there was no accident, people were just driving like idiots (Welcome to FL, everyone can't drive) Lol.

FInally we started moving, but then BAM it would slow down or stop again. It did this for the first 75-100 miles.... It's only a 200 mile journey for us. I HATE bad drivers and I get somewhat road rage, so I was not enjoying this. I left my happy place and people were p***ing me off!

Eventually every idiot got off the road and we had smooth sailing for the last leg of the journey. I dropped Becca off and had to go pick up our dog from my grandparents. She was VERY excited to see me


That's Nala, yes like Nala from LK :D. It sucked to be home but it was great to see her little face.

I unpacked my car and knocked out on my own bed. Successful trip? I would say so!

That is all I have guys... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for following along. I'm glad I get to relive my trips once I get home with you all and share them! Good to know someone is entertained by my family and friends. We leave for our next trip in less that 27 days. I will definitely be posting a TR for that. It's my 21st bday in WDW c'mon!!! If you haven't read the PTR yet, here it is

You all have been a wonderful audience... GOODNIGHT!!!! lol See you all real soon


Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing such a magical trip with all of us. The last day is very sad indeed but at least you are returning in March. The pictures of T-Rex was awesome. I love going to that place on the last day along with some last minute shopping at DTD. I'll be honest, I didn't understand the license plate either.
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Original Poster
Thanks for the great TR! Great to read and watch all the pictures!
Thank you for following along!

Thank you for sharing such a magical trip with all of us. The last day is very sad indeed but at least you are returning in March. The pictures of T-Rex was awesome. I love going to that place on the last day along with some last minute shopping at DTD. I'll be honest, I didn't understand the license plate either.
Thank you so much for following along! I can't wait for March so excited


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's just me or if others are having this problem too.. but I can't see any of your pictures anymore! :( I've been following along and haven't had trouble until now! Just a heads up. :)


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Original Poster
Not sure if it's just me or if others are having this problem too.. but I can't see any of your pictures anymore! :( I've been following along and haven't had trouble until now! Just a heads up. :)

Photobucket is being a major pain in the butt... they're saying I've reached my photo view limit for the month. I thought it would reset today and it didn't :(. I'm going to try and fix it. I'm sorry! Hopefully it'll be fixed soon. Thank you for following along


Well-Known Member

The last day in the Parks is almost over! :'( but in great news.... I'll be leaving for my next trip in 37 days!!! I cannot wait :D

Okay, lets wrap this trip up shall we?

Everyone finished laughing at me and my twin (Ariel) and I made the executive decision... LETS RIDE HER RIDE lol. Remember that "leader of the pack" shirt from a few days before? Yeah totally should have been wearing it...

We walked on and one CM even said "Welcome Home princess" to me, I died haha. My mom looked at me and said "Great, her head is even bigger now" HEY! MY head did not grow at all.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I seriously hate how they made of the Ariel AA's look on this ride... they all look like they have smoked a little bit of somethin somethin if you know what I mean.. lol



This Ariel looks like she's got someone trying to put her hair in a pony tail.... I know they changed this one in particular from DLCA because everyone called her "Dole Whip" head, but this is not better! I'm just super critical of LM things oops:p

At least they got one thing right...

Ursula looks amazing :inlove::inlove:


Flounder here always makes me laugh lol

I finished fan girling over everything LM and we crisscrossed the park over to Frontierland. Everyone wanted to ride BTMRR


We pretty much walked right one since it was EMH and no one was there!

We always request to sit in the back, the Wildest ride in the wilderness is even wilder back there!

After we were done being flinged around the back of a runaway train, my dad was tired and isn't the biggest MK fan.... which is a sin I know. He left and went back to AKL. The 4 of us needed a restroom break and where does one stop when needing a bathroom in MK??

The Tangled restrooms of course!

I love this area at night, it just makes me super happy

Once we finished our business, my mom had a request, which she never does so we agreed to go with it. She wanted to ride PPF, it only had a 10 minute wait so off we went flying


PPF was magical as usual, I love riding anything Walt helped create it just makes me happy.

We walked by Fairytale hall and saw the impossible....



I was NOT missing that. My mom didn't want to go, so she went a sat down while we went in line. We were the oldest in there without any children and I had no shame... I was going to meet them.

I LOVE Anna, shes quirky and goofy and I love everything about her lol. I also have been obsessed with musical theater my whole life so Idina Menzel voicing Elsa was the greatest thing ever.



It is so beautiful in there. Just wish the lighting was better.. HELLO Disney, fix the lighting especially somewhere you know your princesses are meeting. Don't you want them to look good too??

Be prepared... I'm about to spam you with pics of Anna and Elsa...


Anna was pretty good, I wish she was more quirky, but I'm not complaining. We all did a group shot, and of course everyone wanted their own solo shot


Becca said she wanted warm hugs like Olaf

I went up and Anna said that my hair made her think of her favorite mermaid.. are you seeing a theme here? lol

We did Sven antlers!


Ashley just wanted to be a princess.

Anna asked how we all knew each other. We explained that Becca was my best friend and Ash and I were sisters. She then asked how old blah blah blah... When she found out we were the same age as her and Elsa she flipped out! She yelled "ELSA!!! ELSA!! They're us!" and Elsa just looked at her and said "Okay Anna, but I am meeting other little princesses" it was so funny haha.


Time for the queen! I love her dress and shoes. Amazing costuming. She was very intimidating lol. Kinda nerve wracking.


Ashley looked super nervous



Elsa told Becca she obviously had ice powers cause of her blue hair


Our awkward Ice power pose that obviously none of us can do because Elsa outshines all of us haha..

That's all for now folks. Will be wrapping up soon!

So sweet what that CM said when you did the Ariel ride. What charmers!

I'm SO glad I wasn't the only one that thought Ariel looked like she just came out of Bonaroo. We thought she looked a little stoned too - something about her eyes/eyelids.

I wish your pictures would show up. I left them years ago for that same problem. Hope you can get it worked out.

Overall awesome report!

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