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  • How long will you be their in April, did you request any specific section (Casitas, Cabanas etc) and what ADR's did you book? Will you be making your way over to AKL for some Zebra Domes? I remember you are a big Dome fan!!!!!
    Hi Gee,
    That would have been cool if we were going to be @Csr at the same time. Oh well you can fill me in on your trip since I won't be going back to the World until July. Something crazy I was just at AKL in Febuary also (Feb. 4th-13th). Are you going
    to WDL also in June and staying at WL villas? I have stayed at the lodge a few times
    and it was awesome!!! The Merchantile souvenir shop in the lodge is really good. Check out the totem poles by the entrance!!!!
    Hi!!! From Pa here!!! Does not get back to the World till June 1st :( not fun at all! But atleast its Thursday!!!:brick:
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