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  • Mary!!! You are going to be at WDW starting Tuesday? :eek: I couldn't find you last year, but this year I am DEFINITELY going to find you! We arrive next Thursday (the 23rd) staying 5 nights. Do you know if you are working days or nights yet?
    Figmentmom I want to thank you for your Christmas card!
    Sorry I have been so busy I have not had time to think!
    I want to wish a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New year!
    I am back in my old apartment that was rebuilt after the flood.
    i could not make out the address though, it is So. Olens or So. Olers?
    Mary, just a note that Tramp could use some prayers and good wishes, as he is recovering from cancer surgery. Marcia
    Reality is highly overrated!
    Have a great weekend Mary

    Are we going to see a cast member 2008 experience report?
    We practically live in Fantasyland (both at home and at WDW- ha, ha) so I will hopefully find you to say hi!
    Hey Mary, DH and I just booked a very spontaneous trip to WDW July 12-16. Our kids are young so we are at MK alot, so if I see you I will defnitely say hi!
    Don't look now... but you're within one week. :D

    Hope you have a great holiday weekend!
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