MNSSHP - Headless Horseman falls


Well-Known Member
we were at MNSSP last had been raining for several days....straight through into the party. The rain stopped about 30 minutes before the start of the parade, which was delayed about 30 additional minutes.....the parade started, but no horseman. The ground was too wet, per a CM.


Well-Known Member
What's the over/under on how long it is until they remove the horseman completely?? Wait till the TDO lawyers hear about this. They'll put the kibosh on the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Shoes can cause that to happen on slick concrete but they are needed to protect the hooves. I hope the horse did not sustain any injuries that would place it as lame in any manner. Glad the rider is okay.

If the horse was unshod it probably wouldn't have slipped. Shoes are not always needed to "protect" the hooves, in a lot of horses the natural hoof works as nature intended and is mechanically quite wonderful without the aid of metal that restricts ALL if its functions.

I hope the horse was OK


Well-Known Member
Shucks hope all involved were ok; Cudos for them carrying on.

For some reason the headless horseman is still creepy even when being lead around while holding hands witha castmember!


OV 104
Premium Member
If the horse was unshod it probably wouldn't have slipped. Shoes are not always needed to "protect" the hooves, in a lot of horses the natural hoof works as nature intended and is mechanically quite wonderful without the aid of metal that restricts ALL if its functions.

I hope the horse was OK

Good point. I do not know as much about shoes. I learned to ride from a girl whose family lives/eats/sleeps/breathe dressage so I know hoof and farriers.


Well-Known Member
Good point. I do not know as much about shoes. I learned to ride from a girl whose family lives/eats/sleeps/breathe dressage so I know hoof and farriers.
:) Barefoot is so much better for the horse, it's a shame that having shoes on horses has become the norm, my horse has been barefoot totally for about 6 years now, and was barefoot intermittently before that (I never got the rehabilitation of the hoof correct until the last time I took shoes off)
I remember one time myself and a couple of friends were riding down a tarmac covered drive, and their shod horses were slipping about all over the place, and my barefoot horse did not slip once :)
Of course you have to take into account the amount and type of work the horse is doing, but there are some top level dressage horses that compete barefoot.
I can understand the headless horseman's horse needing shoes to get the thundering effect of the shoes on concrete!


Well-Known Member
actually, it was quite damp last night.. water was probably a factor..

meanwhile.. knowing what I know about horses.. The horses will likely be xrayed and monitored for a few weeks.. we'll see how it goes, but that may end up being the last run this year...

I can find out for sure what the status is, I'll let you guys know as soon as I know..


Well-Known Member
actually, it was quite damp last night.. water was probably a factor..

meanwhile.. knowing what I know about horses.. The horses will likely be xrayed and monitored for a few weeks.. we'll see how it goes, but that may end up being the last run this year...

I can find out for sure what the status is, I'll let you guys know as soon as I know..

Defo, water and horseshoes don't go well together.

Hopefully horse will have a full once over from the Vet, probably won't have x-rays unless the vet suspects a broken bone or some serious damage.
If I had any say in it, it would have 2 weeks off with a visit from the physio/chiro at the end of this week!


New Member
Headless Horseman took a nasty fall last night.

First parade, coming around the turn into Liberty Square.
Looks as though horse lost his footing and slipped. Legs went under and horse went down.
Luckily, rider got up mostly unharmed.
Other cast members corralled the horse and the horseman was able to re-mount and finish the ride.
No word on injuries, if any.
He did not ride before the second parade.

Guests were visibly shaken... talked about it the entire night.

Last several MNSSHP's have been wash-outs.
Last night the ground was slick from an earlier rainstorm about 2 hrs before.
Headless Horseman took a nasty fall last night.

First parade, coming around the turn into Liberty Square.
Looks as though horse lost his footing and slipped. Legs went under and horse went down.
Luckily, rider got up mostly unharmed.
Other cast members corralled the horse and the horseman was able to re-mount and finish the ride.
No word on injuries, if any.
He did not ride before the second parade.

Guests were visibly shaken... talked about it the entire night.

Last several MNSSHP's have been wash-outs.
Last night the ground was slick from an earlier rainstorm about 2 hrs before.
We were there when this happened and it was horrifying to see, I also got the whole thing on video as it happened right in front of us. It had rained for just a few minutes about an hour before the parade began but the ground was definitely wet because my kids sat on jackets on the ground to watch the parade. Just as the horse made that turn at liberty square, his hooves slid from under him and he fell, causing the horseman to go down as well. The entire crowd gasped and honestly it was shocking to witness, although when we replayed the video later it did not seem as bad. Thank god it appeared they were ok and also that the horse did not get spooked and charge into the crowd, it had the potential to be disastrous :(
Headless Horseman took a nasty fall last night.

First parade, coming around the turn into Liberty Square.
Looks as though horse lost his footing and slipped. Legs went under and horse went down.
Luckily, rider got up mostly unharmed.
Other cast members corralled the horse and the horseman was able to re-mount and finish the ride.
No word on injuries, if any.
He did not ride before the second parade.

Guests were visibly shaken... talked about it the entire night.

Last several MNSSHP's have been wash-outs.
Last night the ground was slick from an earlier rainstorm about 2 hrs before.


Well-Known Member
I hope the horse and its rider are okay.

I also hope TDO keeps letting the ride take place, but not on wet cement. Someone mentioned something that could be added to help the horse not slip. If there really is such a thing, I hope they add it.

The HH and parade are the best parts of MNSSHP. Wouldn't be the same without it.

They did het rid of the 'Twas show in MVMCP, though.


Premium Member
Just having the horse fall isn't too bad on the horse typically. It's catching it's legs on things (or its own hooves) that really put it at risk. I think the fall for the rider would probably have been tougher.. falling on pavement.

Shoeing the horse is part philosophy and part orthopedics. Some horses need them, like you may need orthopedic shoes, but most do not. But there are other contributors like where they work, rest, etc. And some people just shoe everything. But as mentioned by @disneygirl1024 earlier, if they had the correct shoes, they would improve the traction. Since these horses work almost exclusively on pavement, one would expect them to have the shoes with borium spots on them anyways and not just flat steel shoes. For the non-horse people.. this is like adding studs to your winter tires. Borium is a hard high friction material you weld to the horseshoe to add traction to the shoe.

Riding any horse is inherently dangerous and comes with risks. I seriously hope Disney has this philosophy built in already and mishaps like this don't lead to a change in show. This is a great part of the performance and shouldn't be remove just because some of 'could happen..' things have happened.

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